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Revision as of 16:54, 18 January 2017 by MathAdmin (talk | contribs)
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The following graduate students at University of California, Riverside have contributed their time and efforts to building content and maintaining this website:

Matthew Lee

008A_Sample_Final_A 005_Sample_Final_A Math_5

Kayla Murray

004_Sample_Final_A 009B_Sample_Midterm_1 009B_Sample_Midterm_2

John Simanyi

John is a very important content developer. In addition to building pages, making sure the math is vertically aligned correctly, and helping with the visual organization of pages, he has personally created many of the more professional looking images and videos. John's contributions can be seen on the following pages:

Graphing in Polar Coordinates Overview of Series Tests 022 Exam 1 Sample A 009A Sample Final A
Limit of a Function The Limit of (sin x)/x 022 Exam 2 Sample A 009C Sample Midterm 3
Unit Circle Trig Values Mathematical Induction 022 Exam 2 Sample B